Telenor Microfinance Bank Limited (TMFB) treats the privacy of its visitors / stakeholders / staff / investors and potential investors very seriously and aims to protect their privacy as far as possible.
TMFB does not collect personal information from visitors to the site. Where personal information is requested from visitors and when it is required for TMFB, it is to provide a specified item of information, or a service. TMFB may use this information for marketing purposes within TMFB unless a visitor / stakeholders / staff / investor asks TMFB not to do so. TMFB will not disclose personal information to third parties.
By using this site, visitors / stakeholders / staff / investors and all other persons accessing this web site agree that TMFB may disclose any information that TMFB holds about him/ her to any regulatory authority to which TMFB is subject to, or to any person legally empowered to require such information.
All information and data available on this web site is purely for information purposes and freely accessible to parties visiting or having access to this web site. It shall be non-proprietary to such persons, except TMFB.
TMFB assumes no responsibility or liability for the misuse of any information or data available on this web site by persons having access to it.
TMFB further assumes no responsibility or liability for release of any computer virus into the database or for transmission of threatening, harassing, immoral, religious, libelous, menacing or offensive material or messages via the Internet by unscrupulous persons.
TMFB web site has links to other sites published by third parties. Links to this web site may also be included on third party web site. TMFB has reviewed these third party web sites which link to this web site or to which this web site links and is not responsible for the content to be found directly or indirectly on any third party web site nor does it endorse or recommend the products and services presented on any such third party web site. TMFB cannot guarantee that the information on the third party sites will be accurate, complete or suitable at the time of your access. Following links to any third party web site or pages shall be at the visitors / stakeholders / staff / investors own risk.
The possibility to communicate by electronic mail (E-Mail) between a visitor / stakeholder / staff / investor and TMFB is only a convenience provided by TMFB. A Visitor / Stakeholder / staff / investor acknowledges the limitations on the reliability of delivery, timeliness and security of Internet E-Mail and understands that TMFB will not be responsible for any loss or damage that could result from his/ her requests not being accepted, confirmed or processed or as a result of his/ her E-Mails being intercepted by third parties. As a result of these concerns, he/ she should not send sensitive information by E-Mail, which may not be secure. If he/ she do so, it will be at his/ her own risk.